About Jo
“Roman style mosaics are my mainstay. I try to capture the essence and vitality of ancient Roman mosaics in that my lines are rarely straight, my borders are not entirely even and the imperfections of my andamento are most deliberate.”
Born and raised in Yorkshire, Jo had a deep interest in both history and art from an early age, therefore, combining artistic ability with an historical artform seemed the perfect marriage.
Working predominantly with vitreous glass and ceramics Jo has created a selection of mosaics which reflect influences from the past through to more contemporary styles.
A selection of works can be seen in the Gallery.
Jo gained a BA Combined Hons degree in Fine Art & Historical Studies at York, St. John’s (affil. Leeds University) and has worked in both state and private schools, including The Royal Ballet School in Richmond, Surrey.
Having returned to Yorkshire, Jo creates mosaics under the banner of Cardinal Mosaics.
All images and artwork are subject to copyright.
Jo Cardwell